Braunstein I - The World's first RPG (sort of)
                   Player Info Handouts used at Gencon08
                    Copyright (C) 2008  David A. Wesely
Map for Braunstein I

                           +-  BS University -+
                           | Hall1      Hall6 |
                           | Hall2 QUAD Hall5 |
                           | Hall3      Hall4 |
(A)                        +------ gate ------+                            (E)
---------------------------------------------------Road along bank of river---
  Schweinehaxe River                || Bridge over river and canal
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     Canal with toll gate for canal [] Drawbridge with Bridge Toll House
|houses1  bank      tavern1                    warehouse  houses12 |
|houses2  houses3   shops1     market square   tavern2    houses11 |
+-------+ houses4   church                     shops2     houses10 |
        =west gate  houses5      city hall     houses9   +---------+   
       / +--------+ houses6    jail & armory  east gate =\
      /            +--------+ houses7 houses8 +--------+  \
     /                       +- south"gate --+             \ 
    /                                |                      \ 
   /                           road to south                 \ 
 road to SE                         (C)                   road to SW
 (B)                                                         (D)    

        Old cannon in middle of quad pointing out over river at town
        Often features in school pranks 

   The map above is figurative.  The real game was played on a tabletop
   with the town set up with model RR buildings, so it was not so tidy
   as this map implies.  There was also an orchard near (A) and some other
   props like wagons, barrels, etc scattered around in the town for color.

/ ars ludi / Braunstein Memories